
WK Summer Playlist

It's Summer, and that means good food, time with friends, sunny days and endless playlists. I've put together a Summer playlist for you guys, a taquito (if you will) of what I'm listening to now. I put them all together on a YouTube playlist, but you can find the list below as well. Happy grilling!

Una Mañana - José José y Natalia LaFourcade

Recógeme en el Sol - Banda Radial

Azúcar Morena - Carla Morrison

Mi Lugar Favorito - Natalia LaFourcade

Most of it - Kings Kaleidoscope

En Esa Vida - UnCorazón

Day 1 (50 Days for Dilla Vol. 1) - Ta-ku

Se Baila Así - Mexican Institute of Sound

Ay Papa - Royal Highness

Vengo - Ana Trijoux

No Soy Una de Esas - Jesse y Joy

Siesta - HLXY KXSS

Dancing on the Moon - Isla Vista Worship